10 Small Space Garden Tips

Follow these 10 small space garden tips for growing vegetables in containers, which plants are best in small spaces and ideas of where to plant them.
10 Small Space Garden Tips for Containers

I have had a garden off and on over the years. Big gardens, small gardens, raised beds and container gardens. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter where you live …it IS possible to have a garden in any size space and enjoy eating fresh home grown vegetables. Creatively use the space you have!
What type of containers work for small space gardens?
- Containers. Many vegetables do very well growing in containers.
- Raised garden beds. There are so many different types of raised garden beds in all sizes. I have a small raised garden from Tractor Supply Company. I have had it for a few years and it takes up very little space. Check garden shops, Amazon and Walmart.
- Window boxes. Window boxes work great for smaller plants and herbs.
- Take advantage of vertical space and grow vegetables that like to climb such as cucumbers, peas and beans. Use a trellis, stakes, poles, anything sturdy.
10 Best vegetables to grow in small spaces
Here is a list of vegetables that do very well in small spaces. These 10 garden tips are just what you need to begin a garden in your small space. Keep in mind that when using containers your plants will need to be watered more often than a traditional garden grown in the ground.
In my raised garden bed I use garden soil purchased from Walmart, Expert Gardener. It’s affordable and has worked great. In my containers I use Miracle Gro Potting Mix. They have other choices as well, such as; seed starting mix, raised bed soil and organic mix. miraclegro
Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix will provide just the right mix of nutrients in a light, fluffy soil.

#1 Lettuce
There are many varieties of lettuce. I will be focusing on Romaine lettuce.
- Plant seeds after the first frost. You can purchase lettuce from garden centers as well if you don’t want to plant seeds.
- Romaine needs full sun. It matures anywhere from 70-85 days depending on which variety you choose.
- Romaine lettuce has shallow roots, grow in containers with diameter at least 12″ with depth of 6″-12″.
- Plant combinations with lettuce: Oregano, chives and parsley.
- Lettuce grows best in cooler temps so when the summer heat hits, they typically don’t do well. To extend the growing season, if possible, move the container to a shady area.
- Romaine lettuce cut be cut down to an inch and it will grow again. More bang for your buck!
- Water thoroughly when soil is dry.
#2 Peas
These vegetables grow vertically and take up little space. They’re also great for succession planting.
- Check this post for succession planting.
- Peas are climbers which is great for anyone with small spaces. Add some sort of support so they can climb.
- Shopping for veggies @ garden shops is great but don’t forget about online. Check out, www.burpee.com . Peas-in-a-Pot is a petite 10″ plant that is perfect for a small patio or deck. Burpee has many seeds that are custom-bred for containers & small space gardens. Plant this amazing pea plant in an 8″ diameter container and enjoy harvesting delicious peas!
- Peas need full sun.
- Plant in early spring and again in the fall. 55-70 days to harvest.
- Water when top of soil is dry.

#3 Tomatoes
There are many varieties of tomatoes and they do well in appropriate size containers
- Tomatoes need full sun.
- Before purchasing the tomato plant or seeds, make sure your container is the right size once the plant is fully grown. Use stakes or tomato cages to keep them upright as they grow and produce tomatoes.
- Depending on the variety you choose, 45-80 days to mature
- If you don’t have room for larger pots look for smaller varieties such as; patio tomatoes, grape tomatoes, Tiny Tim, or Red Robin just to name a few.
- Water thoroughly when soil is dry. It the hottest months you will need to water twice a day.
- Favorite plant is Chef Jeffs Patio Tomato.

#5 Radish
- This is another fast growing vegetable. If you plant from seed, you will have a harvest in about a month.
- Radishes take up little space and several can be planted in one container.
- The seeds are tiny. Sprinkle across a good draining potting mix and cover lightly with more potting mix.
- The green leaves are edible. Smaller radishes have a spice to it and the larger are more mellow in flavor.
- Radishes like cooler weather. Grow in spring and again in fall. Place your containers in an area where the radishes get at least 6 hours of sun.
- Water consistently.
#6 Beans
- Green beans are easy to grow and great for beginners! Bush beans are a great choice for container gardens.
- Place individual bean seeds into the planter, cover with about 2 inches of soil and place containers in a sunny spot.
- Water them consistently to keep the soil evenly moisturized for the first 2 to 3 weeks. After that water the plants whenever the topsoil feels dry.
- Beans will mature in 58-62 days (Blue Lake Bean).Planting seeds every 3 weeks will keep a continuous crop of fresh beans!
- Favorite beans are Livingston Organic Blue Lake Bean.

#7 Carrots
- Growing carrots in containers may keep the cute furry bunnies from eating your future harvest!
- Carrots are another veggie that needs at least six hours of sun.
- They also prefer cooler weather so plant in spring and fall. Containers are easy to move so if you still have a growing ‘crop’ in summer, move the container in the shade.
- What size container will depend on what type of carrot you choose. A 12″ deep container should work but check the mature size of the carrot before purchasing.
- Water frequently making sure the soil doesn’t dry out. Also choose a container with good drainage.
- Moist varieties are ready to pick when the top of the carrot is visible through the soil. Usually around 75 days.
- Favorite carrots are Burpee Organic, Short n’ Sweet.
#8 Onions
- As with the other vegetables, onions also need to be planted in a container based on the type of onion.
- If you are planting green onions or scallions a smaller container will work. Choose at least an 8″ container. For larger bulb onions choose a larger container where the onions can be planted at least 3″ apart.
- Onions are shallow-rooted but planting in a container that is 10-15″ deep is a good idea.
- Onions need 12 hours of sun and keep the soil moist by watering at least once a week.
- Onions will mature in 90 days or more.

#9 Cucumbers
- Plant cucumbers in a pot that is at least 12-20″ deep and 20″ wide.
- Place seeds about a half inch in the soil and water daily until seeds germinate. They germinate quickly, 3 days, in hot weather. Cooler weather they will take around 10 days.
- Cucumbers are climbers, give the tendrils something to grab onto such as a small tomato cage, bamboo stakes, sturdy branches or a small wire trellis.
- Place the container in full sun. Water deeply once a week but more often when the weather is hot. If your cucumbers grow in odd shapes it’s a good sign of inconsistent watering. Cucumbers prefer moist soil.
- Add a layer of straw mulch to keep bugs away.
- My favorite cucumber plant is the Livingston Organic Seeds, Cucumber Muncher.

#10 Peppers | Hot or Sweet
- Hot or sweet peppers are a must to add to your container garden; bell peppers or any of the hot varieties.
- Select a large container at least 12″ in diameter and deep. They need room for their roots to spread.
- Peppers love the sun and need at least 6 hours of full sun.
- When planting peppers in the ground they like moist soil, when they are in containers keeping the soil moist is even more important. Watering once a week is enough unless the weather is extremely hot and dry, then watering once a day is a must.

- You have planted, tended and harvested, now what do you do with your delish veggies? Eating them of course! But, canning and/or freezing are some great options for keeping your harvest fresh.
- If you plant by seed, keep your seed packets in a garden notebook, baggie or small box for future reference.
- Speaking of garden notebook. Having a notebook is a great way to keep track of your favorite plants, what worked & what didn’t, any tips, etc.
- Most containers do have drainage holes but if you’re feeling creative and want to plant in something else, drill a few holes in the bottom of the container.
- If you tend to over water or under water your plants, invest in a soil moisture meter like the Xlux from Amazon. It’s decently priced at 10.99
- It doesn’t matter if you live in a rental home, an apartment or a tiny shack. You can have an amazing garden in your small space with containers!
- Nothing tastes better than homegrown!!
- Enjoy your small space gardens! I hope these 10 small space garden tips were helpful. Let me know what you have had success with!
My favorite seed companies
- Some of my favorite seed companies. Burpee.com. Founded in 1876 this company has been around for quite awhile! Look for seeds at your local garden center or online. When browsing online click on the container friendly link. So many vegetable seeds to choose from!
- Livingston organic seeds is another favorite. Founded in 1850 and still going strong. I bought several varieties of vegetable seeds from my local garden center.
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow ~ Audrey Hepburn